Let’s talk. You can do this.


+(91) 91328 83288
+(91) 98696 12345




101, Aftab Palace, Shil - Phata
Thane, 400612, Maharashtra

We at CAWSE Foundation, are always happy to connect and discuss better possibilities and opportunities through which we can lend our expertise and helping hand in all possible manner for the greater cause.


If you know of any Women or Child who might require our help, reach out to us.


For collaborations and associations for the greater cause, email us at info@cawsefoundation.com



    We have been receiving quite many common queries, hence we decided to put up an FAQ which could help resolve the common queries you may have. Please do not hesitate to connect with us if you still have further questions and we would be glad to assist you.

    How to donate to help our programs?

    You can donate any amount as per your choice or the options given for a particular program at the donate us page. You can also send us your donations via offline methods.

    How to became a volounteer ?

    For a bigger change, we require a bigger team; if you also believe so and would like to volunteer with us, we would be more than happy to have you with us. Kindly connect with us and we will assist you further.

    Where are you located ?

    We are located in India. And our office is headquartered in Thane, Maharashtra.

    How can you become associate partner ?

    To associate with us, you can reach out to us on info@cawsefoundation.com. We revert as soon as we can, however only sometimes it can take up to 1-2 working days.

    How can you report a cause to us?

    We encourage women to call 1091 - Women Helpline Number, for immediate help. You can also reach us directly on our contact numbers, or connect with us over email, or if you are local to Mumbai, Thane and would like to visit our office, we would, with all the warmth we have, support you through these times.

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